Word from Rev. Dr. Annie Arakelian
I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to God for enabling and empowering us to achieve and fulfill the Great Commission in 2024.
Each promise and prophecy for this year has fulfilled, both in my personal life and in our ministry. I’ve also witnessed the universal Church operating under His glory.
The remarkable unity in love among the ministry team has allowed us to succeed in what God has entrusted to us within our areas of influence. The support from our ministry family and partners has strengthened us, uplifting our hands to bear the burden of the Lord.
In 2024, we witnessed the fulfillment of God’s plans through the support groups in our ministry, along with healing and deliverance conferences and mission trip.
We give God all the glory for the grace and strength to accomplish the tasks entrusted to us, for everything we do is from Him, through Him, and for Him.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Glorious Happy New Year!
God bless you all.
2024 Accomplishments
If you’d like to see pictures from the events/mission trips and hear some bonus testimonies, watch our video at: https://youtu.be/Gy32N8vIlbU
Ministry Global Outreach
Boston Glory Conference
In June, Light of the Comforter Ministries was invited to teach and minister at Healing Streams Ministry’s “Unlocking Your Potential Conference” in Boston, Massachusetts. As Rev.Annie taught about how to walk in freedom to receive your God-given inheritance, God’s glory poured out upon the attendees to stir up, activate, and impart spiritual gifts and callings.
God’s love healed hearts and minds from trauma, abuse, shame, and childhood wounds. Many were delivered from emotional pain, fear, unforgiveness, and rejection.
This conference happened over Father’s Day weekend, and the Lord did a special work to honor, heal, and restore the men who attended. Click here to watch the conference highlight video and encounter the powerful presence of God! Be ready to surrender to His will and purposes for your life, and you will walk in His destiny for you.
Our conference hosts, Healing Streams Ministry: https://healingstreamsministry.org/
Armenia Mission Trip
On August 11-17th 2024, Light of the Comforter Ministries visited Armenia for a mission trip. This trip focused on bringing Christ’s love, as well as emotional and financial support to churches and families. Teaching conferences for churches, women, children, and youth were held to equip and bring them comfort during a difficult geopolitical and economic time.
As teaching was given about emotional healing, hearts were convicted to forgive and release burdens to the Lord. During prayer ministry, many received deep comfort, refreshment, encouragement, and healing in their heart. Though people wanted prayer for physical healing, the Holy Spirit revealed through words of knowledge there were often emotional healing and soul wound issues which had to be addressed first. As people confirmed the words of knowledge were true, they repented and surrendered their sins and burdens to the Lord. Many were healed of chronic pain and issues in their bodies as they fully yielded to God. Children experienced visions and encounters with Jesus for the first time, and they wanted His salvation. People of all ages received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and began to operate in His power.
The glory and favor of God touched many parts of this trip and the missions’ team feels they have been changed forever. Thank you to all the prayer intercessors who prayed and donors who gave generously towards this trip, which made it possible for the power of God to transform Armenia.
We thank God for all He did during our missions’ trip in Armenia. We are in awe, and give Him all the glory for the miracles, healing, and transformation we witnessed!
Watch the video of the trip highlights: https://youtu.be/GrtUOPHc8Wg?si=1bnYtsIci_39HBb4
Click here for the pictures from the trip.
Toronto Breakthrough Conference
In September 2024, Light of the Comforter Ministries ran teaching sessions on inner healing and deliverance topics at Light of Life Church in Toronto, CA. During group and individual prayers, prophecy and words of knowledge brought breakthrough, comfort, and empowerment to attendees.
The Lord poured out healing oil and yoke-breaking anointing which brought people freedom from trauma, abuse, shame, and childhood wounds. He released new mantles, activated spiritual gifts, and imparted keys of destiny so attendees could move forward in their ministry and new seasons of life.
We are so in awe of all that God did and know there will be many more testimonies to come. Watch this highlight video so you can experience His glory and pray along with the breakthrough prayers.
If you’re in Canada and are interested to learn inner healing and deliverance, consider registering for the in-person Inner Healing & Deliverance school in Toronto, CA by clicking here.
Financial Support to Needy Families and Leaders
The heart of this ministry is to reach and equip more leaders and pastors around the world. We sent donations to address their physical needs, but also were able to give scholarships to individuals in Africa and India to attend the LOC Wholeness Haven Academy courses.
This year, we had the opportunity to support, minister, supply needs, and bless children of God from these countries:
- India
- Burma/Myanmar
- Lebanon
- Armenia
Please keep our partners and friends in each of these places in your prayers. Many are going through persecution, hardships, and challenges. Pray for the leaders God is raising there and that hearts would be prepared for the coming revivals!
Click here to make a donation today to send to the widows, orphans, and families the ministry supports internationally.
Ministry Events
Pentecost Service
It was a powerful time gathering around the time of Pentecost Sunday for worship and prayer. As we honored, praised, and invited the Holy Spirit, healing rivers and living water flowed upon all in the spirit realm.
Jesus said “come” and gestured with his hands for all to come into the secret place to have greater intimacy with Him as the bridegroom.
Empowering words of prophecy were given, and healing rivers flowed to restore and mend hearts from emotional damage.
As God’s tangible glory came, impartation was happening, activating people with new mantles, weapons, and gifts to walk in their calling.
The Lord was moving strongly in delivering people from witchcraft, idolatry/paganism, worshipping demons, and witchcraft candles were being put out.
End-of-Year Event
Light of the Comforter Ministries had a special service on December 11th, to begin the transition into the new year. There was worship and prayers for individuals, families, and the new generation to be anointed with the Holy Spirit’s fresh oil. Rev. Annie Arakelian gave a prophetic word from the Lord about His plans for 2025.
As we received the Lord’s fresh fire and passion for 2025, we were positioned to walk in our new seasons of heavy glory. Throughout the service, the Lord was:
- releasing His heavy glory upon us
- pouring out Holy Fire
- stirring up greater hunger for intimacy and deeper worship
- removing burdens and spiritual yokes supernaturally
Ministry Support Groups
Our online support groups continued to be offered for women, men, and youth to grow spiritually and in community. Safe spaces were created for them to connect heart-to-heart, share, and be mentored by spiritual mothers and fathers. Discipleship and gentle coaching have been given to all who’ve sought personal breakthrough, deliverance, healing, and spiritual activation. Supernatural breakthroughs have been seen in physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual capacities by the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.
To view the full list of current groups, visit: http://lightofthecomforter.org/ministry-support-groups/
Testimony Highlights
Wherever the presence of the Lord is, there is healing, deliverance, and transformation! Let your faith be increased by reading and praising God with us for these testimonies. These are the spiritual, emotional and physical healings encountered in our support groups:
- Supernatural breakthroughs and group deliverance
- Being set free from captive areas
- Physical healing of bodies
- Breaking of generational curses
- Emotional healing of grief and trauma
- Activation and impartation of spiritual gifts and mantles
For more testimonies visit http://lightofthecomforter.org/reviews/
Wholeness Haven’s Accomplishments
4th Annual Refreshment & Empowerment Retreat
Guests from different states and countries participated in this year’s Refreshment & Empowerment Retreat, which had activities promoting health in spirit, soul, and body. The women enjoyed fellowship and fun while visiting a safari, shopping in downtown Orlando, enjoying nature, and receiving facials. Restoration and healing of hearts was experienced during the inner healing art workshop.
Incredible breakthroughs and healing were experienced during worship times because the tangible presence, glory, and love of God touched hearts and minds. There were many open heaven encounters where angels and Jesus Himself came to empower and fill all.
Deliverance was experienced by many, freeing them from bondages of fear, anger, shame, and rejection. Impartation and activation of spiritual gifts and callings was experienced as the anointing of God poured out.
We give God all the glory for all He did during this retreat! He truly spoiled us with His love and showed His power and faithfulness in whole new levels.
Click here to watch highlights of the retreat, and hear the attendees share their testimonies of transformation!
To read through the testimonies, go to: https://locwholenesshaven.com/health-and-wellness-coaching/
To learn about our upcoming retreats, email us at Retreat@LOCWholenessHaven.com .
Exposing Lucifer’s End Time Strategies Certificate School
One of our goals for 2024 was to grow and expand our online school offerings in order to reach more leaders around the world. At the beginning of the year, a new school course called “Exposing Lucifer’s End Time Strategies” was launched.
This school’s purpose was to open up people’s eyes to the spiritual roots behind secret organizations, world religions, the dark-sides behind “harmless” cultural practices, and occultic practices that are infiltrating society. While going through group deliverance and renunciations of Satan’s deceptions, students would be set free from his chains, in order to participate in God’s end-time army to destroy the enemy’s strongholds.
Graduation Ceremony
We had the privilege of awarding graduation diplomas to students in 5 countries who completed our Exposing Lucifer’s End-Time Strategies certification school. Finishing our school was such a HUGE accomplishment, as each graduate completed a 5 month intense boot camp of 7 courses, 46 lessons with deliverance prayers, exercises and assignments.
While we acknowledged the students’ great commitment and perseverance during the ceremony, Heaven joined us to celebrate and honor the graduates. New anointing and mantles were released for the pastors, evangelists, missionaries, deliverance ministers, and leaders in the school so they could fulfill the Great Commission, bringing Christs’ light, healing and freedom to the world.
The full video of the ceremony can be found by clicking here.
Go to https://locwholenesshaven.com/ to learn more about this school. We have videos available for purchase and download, which you can watch on your own time to learn about the topics.
Each graduate has powerful testimonies of breakthroughs they want to share with you. We encourage you to watch this video to celebrate the students, hear their testimonies, and experience the glory of God.
A playlist of every student’s testimony video can be found by clicking here.
Want to learn at your own pace?
Our online certificate schools were taught live but recorded. If you’d like to have access to the recorded videos and notes (though some courses just have notes at this moment), you can purchase them online here! Further questions can go to: academy@locwholenesshaven.com
Breakthrough & Deliverance Testimony
Testimony from a client:
We are in awe hearing this testimony from our beloved Seta. In addition to taking private counseling sessions, she has faithfully attended our support groups, schools, and retreats. Throughout these, God has shown up mightily in her life to set her free from oppression and strongholds.
Click here to watch her testimony to have your faith stirred up and encouragement to continue trusting in God for breakthrough!
Are you hurting, haunted by past traumas, or experiencing any kind of emotional/mental issue? Are you desperate to experience healing and breakthrough in your life?
If this is you, please reach out to us for private counseling and deliverance sessions with Rev. Annie Arakelian at Dr.Annie@LocWholenessHaven.com.
Private sessions are also available for: Life coaching, temperament therapy, career coaching, leadership coaching, health and wellness coaching, Premarital counseling and coaching.
2025 Prophetic Word
There is much anticipation and uncertainty about what 2025 holds. What does God have in store for next year?
Through all of the global pain, chaos, and darkness that happened in 2024, God has been faithful and kept His promises. Though there is uncertainty, He is always trustworthy and dependable in every situation. He will continue to show His goodness and power in 2025.
After prayerfully seeking the Lord multiple times, Rev Annie Arakelian received the message that 2025 will be a year of heavy glory! The Lord will be pouring out His glory upon those who have allowed themselves to go through the refiner’s fire to live in purity and holiness.
Watch this video to align with the Lord’s purposes for next year, so you may be filled with His glory as well.
Bible Scripture of the year:
- Zechariah 2:5– “For I,” declares the Lord, “will be a wall of fire around her, and I will be the glory in her midst.”
Watch Rev. Annie’s full message with the prophecy by clicking here, and align with the Lord’s purposes for next year, so you may receive this glory as well. You may also read the full word in the images below.
New Book Launch:
Greater Glory Realms and Anointing
2025 Goals
In 2025, the Lord has directed the ministry to continue to grow in these areas.
- Launching the new Coaching and Internship Program.
- The new school is going to the next level to equip God’s army. It’s exposing the
- Have internship programs for graduates and growing leaders.
- Missions trips and missionary training
- God is expanding the ministry to other nations. God wants us to expand the inner healing and deliverance school to different nations, empower someone locally, and then have them continue to minister locally.
- In addition to going to more nations on missions trips, we will train missionaries through light of the comforter ministries. Missionaries will be commissioned after their 3rd trip with light of the comforter ministries.
- Continuing in-person wellness retreats
- Running in-person boot camps to train soldiers in the army of God
- These intensive boot camps will equip and empower God’s soldiers so they can operate on the next level that He has for them.
- Empower and reach more students through scholarships
- We want to offer more scholarships for our school, and financial aid for bootcamps. Please consider investing and sowing into this vision and the Kingdom agenda.
Sow into the Kingdom of God
Never doubt the impact your small seed can have in the kingdom of God. If you have been blessed by the ministry activities of Light of the Comforter and share our vision to bring the love of Christ to the brokenhearted, we invite you to sow financially into the ministry. There are ongoing daily needs, fundraising efforts for mission trips, and emergencies that have come up for us and our partners, so your donations can be used mightily for immediate impact!
If you feel led to be a part of the rapidly-expanding move of the Lord in and through us, you can donate to Light of the Comforter Ministries here: https://www.paypal.me/RevAnnieArakelian
Social Media Presence and Video Database Build-up
As part of our 2024 goal to reach more leaders and believers around the globe, we’ve invested in growing the content on our YouTube channel. Here, you will find more expanded selection for prayer, teaching, and testimony videos. Now, finding and sharing impartation and activation resources from our ministry is even easier!
Do you want to be alerted first when we release new video content? Subscribe to our Youtube channel by clicking here , or look up “Rev. Annie Arakelian” then click on the red “Subscribe” button. To help these videos reach more souls hungry for the healing of Jesus, please “like” , view, and share them.

About Light Of The Comforter:
Light of the Comforter is a prophetic ministry of inner healing and deliverance. Our mission is to fulfill the Great Commission of advancing the Kingdom of God by sharing the full gospel of Christ and walking in His supernatural power.
This is completed by restoring, empowering, and training the body of Christ through personal ministry, counseling, coaching, healing, and deliverance. Two branches have been formed to accomplish these:
1) The “non-profit” branch of the ministry called “Light of the Comforter Ministries” which runs free support groups and teaching webinars.
2) The LLC branch called “Wholeness Haven Academy” which runs training courses, private counseling, financial coaching, and wellness retreats. The LLC sponsors international students/leaders who are in LOC Ministry and gives grants for private sessions as Rev. Annie feels led.
Equipping leaders and generals in the army of God all over the world is our passion. Our purpose is to bring the love, healing, comfort, and deliverance of Christ to the brokenhearted through the light of His Holy Spirit.
Ministry Team Members
All of the activities carried out this year wouldn’t have been able to happen without the amazing members of our team. It is such a joy to serve alongside such amazing people who serve and support each other in unity and love. They all have unique callings, anointing, and gifts that have been used for the Lord’s purposes and glory. Though they are all located in different parts of the world, we have all been flowing in unity through the Holy Spirit during online services.