Word from Rev. Annie Arakelian
The goals we set at the end of last year for 2021 were to grow in international partnerships, launch certificate schools, prepare disciples through support groups and our school, equip an army of leaders and expand health/wellness coaching. I’m pleased to announce we were able to make great progress in accomplishing all of these goals, by God’s grace and the sacrificial hard work, support and prayers of our ministry team and directors.
We had an amazingly fruitful year, seeing many breakthroughs and healing throughout all our activities. The powerful testimonies have brought tears to my eyes and filled me with overflowing joy. The passion and the excitement of each school student has touched my heart deeply, motivating me to pour out more into their destinies.
To all our followers and ministry family, we give you our greatest thanks for all the support and prayers you’ve made for us. We are forever grateful to our Lord and give Him all the glory for His mighty works!
Light of the Comforter is a non-profit prophetic ministry of inner healing and deliverance. Our mission is to restore, quip, empower, and train the body of Christ through personal ministry, counseling, coaching, healing, and deliverance. Our purpose is to bring the love, healing, comfort, and deliverance of Christ to the brokenhearted through the light of is Holy Spirit.
Ministry Team Members
All of the activities carried out this year wouldn’t have been able to happen without the amazing members of our team. It is such a joy to serve alongside such amazing people who serve and support each other in unity and love. They all have unique callings, anointing, and gifts that have been used for the Lord’s purposes and glory. Though they are all located in different parts of the world, we have all been flowing in unity through the Holy Spirit during online services.
2021 Accomplishments
Global Outreach
The heart of this ministry is to reach and equip more leaders and pastors around the world. This year, we had the opportunity to support, minister, supply needs, and bless children of God from these countries:
- India
- Burma/Myanmar
- Kuwait
- Armenia
- Lebanon
- Afghanistan
Please keep our partners and friends in each of these places in your prayers. Many are going through persecution, hardships, and challenges. Pray for the leaders God is raising there and that hearts would be prepared for the coming revivals!
Launch of Certificate Schools
One of our goals for 2021 was to grow and expand our online school offerings in order to reach more leaders around the world. Over the year, three schools were launched, equipping over 30 prayer ministers and pastors located in four countries.
Completing one of these schools is a HUGE accomplishment that we don’t take lightly. In order to receive certificates of completion, these courses required commitment with attendance, homework, and practical application through exercises. We are so proud of each of our graduates, and admire them for their dedication to spreading the healing power of Jesus Christ around the world.
To see the fruit of your prayers and donations for this ministry, join us in listening to student testimonies at this link. Please join us in congratulating our graduates!
Six-Month Inner Healing & Deliverance School
Description: This school will train you to minister to the body of Christ through inner healing and deliverance. Learning about these two topics will bring healing and freedom in your own life and equip you with the tools and knowledge how to minister to other wounded souls. You will be equipped with spiritual warfare weapons and strategies to set captives(to sin, pain, and curses) free.
Two-fold purpose of the school:
- Restoring students’ true identities, through healing and deliverance from past wounds and captive areas.
- Equipping students for prophetic healing and deliverance ministry.
We are so proud of our 27 graduates of this school!
Preparing for Ministry Leadership School
Description: This course will equip you with essential tools and skills needed to minister effectively. Though the basics of prayer ministry and care for souls will be discussed, we will go beyond to learn about the calling and purpose of the minister, spiritual gifts/talents, and inner healing and deliverance.
Two-fold purpose of the school:
- Growing awareness for common errors in ministry and education about solutions.
- Encouraging confidence during ministry through the strengthening of weak skills.
We are so proud of our 7 graduates of this school!
Three-Part Prophetic Ministry School
Description: Have you been seeking to develop your spiritual gifts and discover how they tie into your purpose? Have you been wanting to grow in the prophetic, understand dreams, and hear God’s voice clearer? Do you want to know how to more effectively intercede in prayer, so you can reach breakthrough for yourself and others?
In addition to receiving teaching, you will be in a safe environment to discover, practice, and strengthen your gifts, while learning how to overcome their weaknesses. Step-by-step guidance will be given during practice scenarios which will help you grow in confidence to use this gift to further the kingdom of God. Impartation and activation during the sessions will also increase the frequency and strength of the prophetic insights you receive from the Lord.
This course is still on-going, and you can take any part of the school independently of each other. You can learn more information and apply to join here: http://lightofthecomforter.org/school/2021/10/prophetic-ministry-3-in-1-certificate-school/
Pentecost Service
On May 31, 2021, our brothers and sisters in Christ from around the world joined together online to joyfully celebrate Pentecost Sunday. As we worshipped and prayed, the presence of the Holy Spirit filled our homes with His holy fire as He had for the disciples in Acts 2. The Lord released many words of encouragement and prophecy for those attending, which brought strength and activation of gifts.
We invite you to watch the recorded service and testimonies in this video, so you can have a personal encounter with His transforming revival fire. Some of the testimonies that are highlighted in this video from that service include:
- Supernatural joy and peace being released
- Experiences of the tangible presence of God and His holy fire shifting atmospheres
- Spiritual gifts (tongues and interpretation of tongues) being activated
- Giving of keys and special anointing for restoration
- Development of new tongues and Holy Spirit-inspired songs
- Multiple people saw heavenly worship and celebration happening as the group was worshipping and dancing.
Twelve Support Groups
Our online support groups continued to be offered for women, men, and youth to grow spiritually and in community. Safe spaces were created for them to connect heart-to-heart, share, and be mentored by spiritual mothers and fathers. Discipleship and gentle coaching have been given to all who’ve sought personal breakthrough, deliverance, healing, and spiritual activation. Supernatural breakthroughs have been seen in physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual capacities by the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.
To view the full list of current groups, visit: http://lightofthecomforter.org/ministry-support-groups/
1-Year Revival Torchbearers’ Anniversary
On June 2nd, we celebrated our 1 year anniversary of Revival Torchbearers. The group was birthed from 10 day activation and impartation and the lord showed rev Annie a vision and purpose for this group to find out identity and destiny and grow together.
Rev. Annie saw two wings of angels behind the throne of God. The angels were being consumed in the glory of God and they left the throne room and gave torches of fire to the other angels and those angels came into our homes. This fire is the fire of transformation, for personal and corporate revival.
Since we have been meeting, we’ve received testimonies on physical healing, supernatural breakthrough of chains breaking, emotional healing, and so many spiritual growth life changing testimonies:
- People have experienced freedom from fear, depression breaking off + being filled with supernatural joy, throne room experiences, and receiving fire of the Holy Spirit.
- Powerful Encounters with the Lord, hearing His voice or seeing visions, impartation and activation of gifts, prophecy, tongues, impartation and mantles and swords
While we gathered in worship, the Lord showed Rev. Annie that the banner over this group/ministry is HOLINESS. In order for us to carry His glory and His revival torch, our hands must be clean, purified, sanctified, and holy, to become holy vessels in order for us to carry His glory and bring glory to His name. We continued worshipping and prophesying that dry bones in our life would be revived and come back to life with healing, restoration and victory being our portion.
Other Support Group Testimony highlights
Wherever the presence of the Lord is, there is healing, deliverance, and transformation! Let your faith be increased by reading and praising God with us for these testimonies spiritual, emotional and physical healing encountered in our other support groups:
- Supernatural Breakthroughs and deliverance
- Physical healing of backs, necks, pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, knees, earaches
- 8 year-old receiving the gift of tongues
- Financial breakthroughs and blessings
For more testimonies visit http://lightofthecomforter.org/reviews/
Wellness Retreat
Our in-person Refreshment and Empowerment retreat was a life-changing time of rejuvenation and being launched into a new season. Attendees received beauty care to renew the body while being spoiled with love and hospitality. Hearts received ministry and encouragement from the Holy Spirit during an inner healing art workshop.
Words can hardly describe the incredible breakthroughs and healing that came as the tangible presence, glory, and love of God touched hearts and minds like never before. As the floodgates of heaven opened, these women were forever freed from painful memories, changed, and released into their destinies. Every person received an impartation and activation from the Lord.
All left the retreat feeling beautiful inside and out, as they could finally see themselves the way God sees them. Life-long bonds of friendship were formed while making memories visiting NYC to see the sun set and having heart-to-heart chats around the fire. Our lives will never be the same, as we’ve tasted the goodness and love of God in ways never experienced before.
You can view photos from the retreat clicking here.
Social Media Presence and Video Database Build-up
As part of our 2021 goal to reach more leaders and believers around the globe, we’ve invested in growing the content on our YouTube channel. Here, you will find more expanded selection for prayer, teaching, and testimony videos. Now, finding and sharing impartation and activation resources from our ministry is even easier!
Do you want to be alerted first when we release new video content? Subscribe to our Youtube channel by clicking here , or look up “Rev. Annie Arakelian” then click on the red “Subscribe” button. To help these videos reach more souls hungry for the healing of Jesus, please “like” , view, and share them.

2022 Prophetic Word
Over the course of several powerful encounters in the presence of the Lord, Rev. Annie Arakelian received prophetic insight for what He has in store for 2022. He’s highlighted verses from His Word to confirm that next year will be a time to enter the gates so holiness and revival may be released in the world.
His Holy fire will make the way for revival fire to bring us into the next level in the supernatural. Households, intercessors, leaders, and nations will be shaken so they can be given greater authority, power, and provision.
We invite you to click on the images below to read, receive, and align with this word. Make the commitment to walking in holiness and leaving your comfort zone so you may receive what the Lord has promised you!
Click here to watch the video of this prophecy and prayer to enter gates!
2022 Goals
In 2022, the Lord has directed the ministry to continue to grow in four areas. By His grace, we hope to achieve all these next year!
- Continuing the Annual Wellness Retreat
- The breakthroughs and testimonies from this year’s retreat were so powerful! Our holistic and biblical approach to healing, acknowledges that the spirit, soul, and body are inter-connected. Therefore, it’s on our hearts to play a part in helping you all achieve health and wholeness in all three parts.
- Mission trip
- There is much uncertainty in the world, but God still desires to pour out His glory and healing! Please keep us in your prayers as we discern the timing and Lord’s plan for us to travel and bring His revival fire.
- Launching new certification schools and webinars
- God’s raising up His army of warriors right now, but they need the training for their gifts before they can operate in them. We will continue focusing on educating students who are eager to grow and learn about the principles of inner healing, deliverance, spiritual warfare, and spiritual gifts.
- International virtual leadership conferences
- It has been our joy to serve and equip our partners in India, Canada, and Kuwait. We desire to continue rewarding their hunger by continuing to teach, encourage, and support their leadership skills.
Sow into the Kingdom of God
Never doubt the impact your small seed can have in the kingdom of God. If you have been blessed by the ministry activities of Light of the Comforter and share our vision to bring the love of Christ to the brokenhearted, we invite you to sow financially into the ministry. There are ongoing daily needs, fundraising efforts for mission trips, and emergencies that have come up for us and our partners, so your donations can be used mightily for immediate impact!
If you feel led to be a part of the rapidly-expanding move of the Lord in and through us, you can donate to Light of the Comforter Ministries here:
For donors inside the US: https://cash.app/$LightOfTheComforter
For donors outside the US: https://www.paypal.me/LightOfTheComforter
Private Counseling
Are you are hurting, haunted by past traumas, or experiencing any kind of emotional/mental issue? Are you desperate to experience healing and breakthrough in your life?
If this is you, please out to us for private counseling and deliverance sessions with Rev. Annie Arakelian at rev.annie@lightofthecomforter.org.
Private sessions are also available for: Life coaching, temperament therapy, career coaching, leadership coaching, health and wellness coaching, Premarital counseling and coaching.