14, September, 2016Posted by :Rev. Annie(0)Comments



Father, in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth, I repent of sinning through sexual immorality. Please forgive me for having sexual relations/intercourse with (name the person) outside of marriage. I ask that You break this bond, this tie.
I ask that You break all ungodly heart, mind, body, soul, and spirit ties that have been established between me and (name the person). In the most Powerful Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I (state your name), renounce and refuse this heart, mind, body, soul, and/or spirit tie with (name of the person).
I declare it to be null and void and I refuse to live under its power and authority any longer. I declare it broken.
Father, in the Name of Jesus, I submit my spirit, soul, my desires and my emotions to Your Spirit.
In Jesus’ Name, I ask You to loose me from all spirit and soulish ties to all past sexual partners and ungodly relationships. Please uproot all the tentacles of sexual bondage, of emotional longings and dependencies, and of enslaving thoughts.
Father, thank You for giving me the Keys of Your Kingdom, the keys of spiritual authority. What I bind is bound and what I loose is loosed. Lord Jesus, please send warrior angels to retrieve any part of me within them.
Please cleanse that part (those parts) from:
• any spiritual evil attachments;
• any fallen angels (demons) attached;
• anything belonging to this person.
Please return that which belongs to me free and clear.
Lord Jesus, also please separate any parts of (name the person) from me. Return that which belongs to the other person cleansed, free and clear of any spiritual evil.
Please bring deep healing to that part of me where that tie attached.
All fallen angels (demons) attached to me that have reinforced those spirit and soul ties or may have been transferred to me through evil associations because of this tie, I bind, renounce and resist you in Jesus’ Name and send you to the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
I believe I am totally forgiven. Thank You for remembering my sins no more. Thank You for cleansing me from all unrighteousness. I commit myself totally to You. By Your grace, please keep me holy in my spirit, soul, and body. Thank You Father!
I also declare to satan by the authority of the Name of Jesus Christ that he has no power over my children either. All access to my children through ungodly spirit and soul ties is hereby cut by the power of God, and I bring the full power of the Cross, the Blood, the Resurrection, and the Ascension of Jesus Christ against Satan’s plans and schemes for me and my family. In Jesus’ Almighty Name.

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