-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my heart:
It will not be a corrupt heart or a hard heart of stone, but a compassionate new heart of flesh.
It will not be a hardened uncircumcised heart, but a tender circumcised heart  (a heart that strikes me whenever I sin).
It will not be a rebellious stubborn heart or a dead heart, but a submissive willing heart (an eagerly obedient heart).
It will not be a heart bound up with folly  or misleadings, but a heart of wisdom.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my heart:
It will not be a faint heart that disheartens other hearts , but a steadfast and secure heart.
It will not be a sinful unbelieving heart, but a sincere heart in full assurance of faith.
It will not be an unclean heart with a guilty conscience  or anxious thoughts, but a purified clean heart.
It will not be a divided heart, but a fully committed whole heart.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my heart:
It will not be a proud heart , but a humble and meek heart.
It will not be a puffed up heart , but a broken and contrite heart.
It will not be a shaken heart as trees are shaken by the wind, but a quietened peaceful heart.
It will not be a perverse heart, but an integral heart.
The Lord will give me a new heart and will put a new spirit in me.
The Lord will put His laws in my mind and write them on the tablets of my heart.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my bones and joints :
My bones shall receive the power of resurrection and my joints shall receive the anointing of love.
So my bones shall live; my bones shall be healed and nourished ;
my bones shall be strengthened; my bones shall rejoice  and my bones shall be healthy.
My bones shall be joined and held together by joints and ligaments; tendons and flesh shall be put on them and skin shall cover them; breath shall enter them  and the city of my self  shall be built up.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on the city of my self:
Its walls shall fall, its bars of iron shall be cut and its gates shall be broken to pieces.
Its altars shall be destroyed, the carved images of its gods shall be cut down, its sacred pillars and wooden images shall be broken.
The name of the enemy shall be destroyed from every place in it and his high places shall be removed.
Every valley shall be exalted and every mountain and hill brought low; the crooked places shall be made straight and the rough places smooth.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on the city of my self:
The altar of God shall be built, the walls shall be built and the doors hung.
The ruined and desolate places shall be built and the desert shall blossom.
And Christ shall be formed in me. And the city of my self, Jerusalem, shall be the city of the great King.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my inner Jerusalem:
It shall put on her strength, her beautiful garments; a holy city, the uncircumcised and the unclean shall no longer come to it. But it shall be a dwelling place of God in the spirit, a home for the Trinity, a place for the Holy one and my heart a throne for the high.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my head:
All the devil’s plans on my life shall be as nothing and shall perish. There is no sorcery or divination against me.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my head:
The hair of dedication and the locks of the Nazarites shall start to grow for me; the locks of love and power.
So my head becomes like Mount Carmel and the hair of my head like
royal tapestry; a crown flourishes on my head and everlasting joy shall crown my head.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my head:
I shall be given the covers for the head: the turban and the helmet.
Then my head shall be exalted above the enemies who surround me and my horn shall be exalted with glory
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my face:
Every downcast expression in my face, every darkness in my face, and every feature of the evil one in it, shall disappear.
I shall be given a face like the face of my early fathers; lifted up with honor, shining with grace, decent with gentleness and a living stone of witness.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my face:
I offered my back to those who beat me, my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard; I did not hide my face from mocking and spitting. Therefore have I set my face like flint and I know I will not be put to shame.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my face:
My forehead is like adamant stone before my enemies  and the seal of the redeemed protects me. My temples behind my veil are like the halves of a pomegranate.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my mind and on my conscious and unconscious thoughts:
All arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God shall be demolished: and every thought shall be brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my mind and on my conscious and unconscious thoughts:
All thoughts of doubt and lack of love, lack of humility and peace; all thoughts of timidity and frustration, all thoughts of hatred and malice , arrogance and pride, cowardly and fearful thoughts, all shall be exposed and abolished.
And I shall be given thoughts of faith and love, the thoughts of humility and peace. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my mind and on my conscious and unconscious thoughts:
All deceitful thoughts, all dark and negative thoughts, all unruly thoughts , all shall be exposed and abolished.
Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, and whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – I think about such things.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my mind and on my conscious and unconscious thoughts:
All earthly and human wisdom shall be exposed and abolished; its economy shall be abolished, its power shall be dispersed and its darkness shall be cast away. And the Lord my God shall light my darkness so that I receive the
wisdom that comes from heaven.
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my mind and on my conscious and unconscious thoughts:
All visualizations and imaginations shall be abolished and all memories shall be healed.
My mind shall be renewed  and its eyes shall be enlightened. So it is opened to understand the Scriptures and I shall have the Mind of Christ and the Light of the Spirit.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my eyes:
Every bad eye shall be taken away and I shall be given good eyes, non haughty eyes,  straight eyes that look straight ahead, eyes that see many things but does not pay attention, eyes that cover others and does not judge anyone, self controlled eyes that does not desire anything. My eyes will then be like doves behind a veil.  My eyes will be opened to the needy. I will not keep to myself, but give generously.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my eyes:
The scales and all that blurs the eyes shall fall  and every plank shall be uncovered and shall be burnt. So my eyes shall be opened and enlightened  and your commandments shall be as frontlets between my eyes.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my eyes:
I shall be given the manifold lamps of the Spirit  and my eyes shall be like blazing fire.  I shall be given fountains of tears  and my eyes shall be like the pools of Heshbon. And I shall wet the feet that have freed me from the path of going astray; I shall weep for the slain of the daughter of my people.
And I shall overflow with tears because the Lord’s flock has been taken captive. So my eyes will find favor; my eyes have captured the Lord’s attention.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my ears:
All deceitful voices, every deafness that hinders the hearing of God’s voice, and all then other plans of the evil one, all shall be exposed and abolished.
My ears shall be circumcised and opened  to hear morning by morning, to hear like one being taught.
So I shall discern the voice of the Shepherd from the voice of the stranger  and I shall receive teachings from the Lord. And I shall have fellowship with angels and saints.
So I shall hear a word behind me saying: ‘This is the way, walk in it whenever I turn to the right hand or whenever I turn to the left. The earrings of the Spirit shall protect my ears.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my ears:
My ears, you have opened: I give attention to your words; I incline my ear to your sayings. I delight to do Your will, O my God. My ears, you have opened; I obey the voice of my teachers, I incline my ear to my instructors.  I delight to do your will, O my God.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my ears:
The sovereign Lord has opened my ears, and I have not been rebellious; I have not drawn back. Pierce my ear with an awl so I become a servant for life and serve you forever.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my nose:
Every pride, every compelling and forcing and every plan of the evil one bearing in it the odor of corruption, shall be exposed and abolished.
My nose shall be like the tower of Lebanon looking towards Damascus. No enemy will subject me to tribute; no wicked man will oppress me.
The fragrance of my breath like apples , the fragrance of my beloved that casts away the odor of corruption and I shall discern the order of corruption and I shall run away from it and I shall get drawn and attracted to the aroma of holiness and long for its source.
Pleasing is the fragrance of Your perfumes; no wonder the maidens love You!
The ring of the Spirit  complete my submission to the Lord and His will and to those in higher authority than me in Christ.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my mouth, tongue, teeth and throat:
Every bitterness and poison, every anger and wrath, every cheating and deceit, every coarse jesting and all which is not fitting, every idle word , shall be taken away from my mouth and my mouth shall be purified from
all that is bitter. I shall be given a muzzle for my 
mouth and the bridle of the Spirit for my tongue  so that no corrupt word shall proceed out of my mouth but what is good for necessary edification that it may impart grace to the hearers.
My speech shall 
always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that I may know how I ought to answer each one. And I shall always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks me a reason for the hope that is in me with meekness and fear.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my mouth, tongue, teeth and throat:
My lips are like a strand of scarlet. My tongue is the pen of a ready writer that proclaims the glory of God, praises His name and talks of His righteousness all day long.
My tongue is like the tongue of the instructed who sustains the weary with a word.  My tongue is a polished arrow inside a quiver.
My teeth are like a flock of sheep which have come up from the washing, everyone bears twins and none is barren among them.
My voice shall be powerful and full of majesty.
My mouth shall be a new threshing sledge with sharp teeth that threshes the mountains and crushes them and reduces the hills like chaff.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my mouth and words:
I shall be given words like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces and like life coal and arrows of fire  for awakening and releasing.
I shall be given enlightening revelatory words  that cast away darkness.
I shall be given fervent  reviving words that cast away coldness and death. I shall be given words with manifold anointing  to fulfill God’s purposes.
-The power of the blood of Jesus on my mouth and words:
I shall be given comforting and encouraging words  that support and strengthen.
I shall be given words like milk and honey  that satisfy and bring joy.
I shall be given words of discernment and distinction  to reveal and discern.
I shall be given words of truth  so that the precious shall be taken out from the vile from my mouth .
So, my mouth shall be as the mouth of the Lord, none of its words shall fall to the ground.
Put a muzzle to my mouth as long as the wicked are in my presence.
Set a guard over my mouth. O Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips .
My words that I have put in your mouth will not depart from your mouth, or from the mouths of your children, or from the mouths of their descendants  from this time on and forever, says the Lord.
He shall give me words whenever I open my mouth so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the Gospel.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my neck:
The bondages shall be broken and the yokes shall be destroyed My neck will not be a stiff neck but an abiding neck slain with the knife of obedience.
So that I may receive the anointing of the Spirit one after the other and I may have the anointing oil.
Every yoke shall be destroyed and the yoke of Jesus shall be laid upon my neck for His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my neck:
Its decoration and armor, the necklaces of the Spirit and the shields of faith, shall be completed.
So that my neck will be like a tower of ivory, decorated by the necklaces of the Spirit and the bonds of love.
My neck is like the tower of David built for an armory on which hang shields of mighty men.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my shoulders:
The yoke that burdens me, the bar across my shoulders, and the rod of my oppressors you have shattered.
You have removed the burden from my shoulders. Heal me from the effects of the loads and pains. So it will no more be a shrugged isolated shoulder , but a helpful shoulder with one accord. So we can carry the ark of the Lord together.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my shoulders:
Their ornaments and their armor, onyx stones and the badges of the government, shall be completed.
To raise up the tribes of the Lord (like Moses) and fight the fights of the Lord (like David).
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my arms, my forearms and my hands:
Bonds shall be absolved, laziness shall cease, and every sin shall be purified. I wash my hands in innocence  and tie your words as symbols on my hands.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my arms, my forearms and my hands:
The arm of the Lord shall strengthen me, the arm of the Lord leads me  and His arm rules for me.
The arms of my hands were made strong by the hands of the Mighty God of Jacob.  My hands shall not go limp, but the feeble hands shall be strengthened.  I have put my hands to the plow I shall not look back. Their ornaments and armor shall be completed, the rings and the bracelets. So my hands shall be full with blessing and help and shall be accompanied with authority.  The work of my hands shall be established and the will of the Lord shall prosper in my hands.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my joints and ligaments in this part so it will receive the anointing of love related to this part: [the purpose is: communicating love to others] Love is not rude, Love is not proud , Love keeps no record of wrong, Love does no envy, Love is not self seeking.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my chest, feelings and emotions:
Passions and bondages shall be absolved, selfish ambitions shall be abolished, fears and disturbances shall be cast away, wounds shall be healed and needs shall be satisfied; all feelings and emotions shall be sanctified. I shall not be withholding my affection but rather open wide my heart.  I shall not be cruel but tender with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.  I shall not be selfish and self-centered, but rather sacrificial, looking not only to my own interests but also to the interests of others. My breasts shall be like clusters  and towers .
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my chest, feelings and emotions:
I shall be filled with the divine love, a pure, strong and steadfast love, a sacrificial love that bears pain and a bridal love.
Set me like a seal upon your heart, like a seal upon your arm; for love is as strong as death, jealousy as cruel as the grave, its flames are flames of fire, a most vehement flame. Many waters cannot quench love nor can the floods drown it.
-The power of the Blood of Jesus on my chest, feelings and emotions:
I shall be filled with the love of the brethren and shall love fervently with a pure heart  I shall love not in word or in tongue but in deed and in truth.
By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren because whoever sees his brother in need and shuts his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him.

NOTE: If you need scripture references for this prayer email us at: