Dear Lord Jesus, _________ has been sinned against. I ask You to communicate to his/her heart that IT WAS NOT HIS/HER FAULT.
Although bad things have happened to him/her, he/she him/herself is not did not “make” the abuser hurt Him/her. He/She did it of his/her own accord.
Jesus, speak the truth into his/her heart; help him/her to know that You truly love him/her with a clean, non-abusive kind of love. You have not rejected or abandoned him/her. Let the pure, living water of Your presence now flow through his/her whole being. Thank you, Jesus, that You know exactly how close You can get to him/her without frightening him/her.
Thank You for not violating his/her personal boundaries. Cleanse him/her from the inside and from the outside. Wash away the defilement with wave upon wave of Your love. Wash away the smells, the sounds, the sensations.
Clothe him/her with Your truth and righteousness. Cleanse and refresh him/her conscience. Separate his/her spirit from the one who abused him/her.
Father, this experience has shattered his/her trust and he/she now finds it very difficult to trust or believe anybody. Together we now implore You to start the process of rebuilding that broken trust.
We submit to You those behavioral patterns which have developed over the years and which do not lead to Life. These wrong ways have caused much hurt to him/herself as well as to others. We now ask You to deal with them, Lord. Minister to the areas of fear, loneliness, weariness, confusion and anger. In the place of those things we ask You to give him/her Your comfort which he/she is longing for with his/her whole being. We submit to You all the anger towards __________because they did not protect him/her (because they did not want to believe him/her, etc.). Replace it with Your peace and the truth of how You see him/her.
May he/she come to know his/her identity as Your precious child. Let the eyes of his/her spirit man see You, how proud You are of him/her for coming to You, and how You delight in his/her presence.
Show him/her the people in his/her life who are worthy of his/her trust. Bring comfort and healing to the bruised and broken areas. Restore his/her relationship with You and with _________(father, mother, brothers, etc.).
Together we forgive him/her for having responded physically. Forgive him/her for any judgements, condemnation, as well as for having despised his/her own body. Father, You have made us to respond. Let his/her spirit man know that You do not condemn him/her. It was not his/her fault –his/her body was created that way. It was a natural response.
His/Her “NO” was not listened to. His/Her personal boundaries were not respected. Please release him/her from any sense of guilt, Lord. May Your glory protect and hide him/her and continue to bring healing to him/her. Thank You, Jesus, that You care!