Spiritman, hear God’s Word for you in Psalm 22:9. “You brought me out of the womb; you made me trust in you even at my mother’s breast.” And in Psalm 71 :6. “From birth I have relied on You … I will ever praise You.”
Spiritman, God has been present with you from the womb. Before your mother or father knew they were expecting, your Abba Father knew you were there, and He rejoiced as your Abba.
God has blessed you with eternal life because of the Sin Offering of His Son Y’shua [Jesus] that transcends the life you had from your parents. You are a son/daughter of God, on the authority of His Word. He ordained you and brought you forth.
Spiritman, you legitimately needed a mother and a father’s blessing, but your earthly parents did not know your full need for it or how to give it. They didn’t have it to give because they themselves were wounded. So step forward to receive healing for wounds you received at the hands of your parents and other caregivers.
There are two types of history stored in everyone. There is the remembered history of events and experiences. There are also a subconscious history of emotions and feelings.
Receive God’s work as He cleanses deep wounds that you received from words and actions in your family of origin.
Receive the ministry of Yahweh-Rapha, the healing Covenant Name of Eternal God, as He works in the core of your being. As you meet with Him Face to face, receive His healing and blessing and deep release, where no other prayer ministry has touched.
The soul (mind and will) has repented of the judgments and vows over and over, but under the judgments and vows, there were emotions of fear, rejection, abandonment, anger, disappointment, shame, unforgiveness, self-hatred, etc., that sprang from specific wounds. Those remain imprinted in the organic brain and stored in you, the spirit.
Spiritman, listen to God’s Word in Psalm 46:4-5. ”There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.”
You are that holy place, that temple where God dwells. The Spirit of Y’shua [Jesus] lives in you to heal and make you whole. The Spirit of Truth and the God of all mercy is ready to do a thorough work to bring new life.
Receive His River of Cleansing from all feelings that God didn’t author – that you were of no value, a nuisance, or you were not wanted or were conceived and born at an inconvenient time.
Receive God’s River of Cleansing from the feeling that you were a burden to be born, or an object to be used, a fixture in someone’s world instead of a precious little one to be loved, valued, protected, honored, and nurtured.
Receive cleansing in that core sense of being that you were a disappointment; that you could never measure up or be good enough.
Receive cleansing from comparison, competition, evaluation, and displacement. Be clean and be free of that deposit of blame, shame, guilt,
confusion, and self-hatred.

Be free of the feeling that you had to be responsible to hold the family together, to make momma and/or daddy happy.
Be free and be cleansed of false responsibility that you had to make peace in their irresponsibility, or absence, or emotional absence, or strife in the family.
Be free and be washed clean of false responsibility for the conflict and pain, that everything that went wrong was your fault.
Spiritman, hear this: It wasn’t your fault. Your mother/father failed to be present because of their own problems. Be free and receive the River of Healing for the denial of your legitimate needs because they were never met.
Be healed of the hope deferred that made your heart sick.
You have forgiven many times from your head, but your heart still hurts and brings old garbage to the table in current situations and relationships. Receive the healing to you, spiritman, that needed parenting, so you can truly release your parents for failing to be the person/persons you cried out for him/her to be.
Spiritman, you have received a new filter of the Blood 3 of Y’shua [Jesus] and your Heavenly Father’s Love and the Seal of the Holy Spirit. Let your toxins and impurities go through the Holy Filter System of the Blood of Y’shua [Jesus] to filter out:
•Anxieties, fears, dreads, worry,
•Rejection, abandonment, emotional absenteeism, isolation,
•Worthlessness, inadequacy, inferiority, insecurity,
•Anger, hatred, revenge, murder in your heart,
•Bitterness, resentment, unforgiveness,
•Perfectionism, performance, self-protection,
•Control, manipulation,
•Role reversal, care-taking, being a substitute mate,
•Abuse of all kinds: physical, emotional, sexual, spiritual, verbal,
•Put down, shame, being ill-used,
•Infirmities of all kinds.
Be blessed as God fills up the hole in your heart, those empty spaces, that bottomless pit that craves nearness, intimacy, affirmation, connection, and significance, and yet fears it, is unable to receive it, and runs away from it.
Receive healing from the wound caused by lack of bonding with your parent.
Receive cleansing from attachment wounds, as Father-God binds you to Himself with cords that cannot be broken, as He promised.
Be free and be whole, be healed of broken trust that resulted when you could not settle down and feel secure, safe, and trusting in your parent to be there for you.
Receive nurturing TRUST from your Heavenly Father who never lets you down, so that you can trust authority figures.
Spiritman, choose to replace the lies that you have agreed with and thus made agreements with the father of lies. Some of the lies are that you were not important enough or worthy to be given time, priority, focused attention, communication; that you were a mistake, you’re a victim, just a survivor, and so forth.
Choose to crucify your unreliable feelings on the cross of Jesus. Take captive the thoughts, emotions, and will of your soul, in the Name of Jesus. You can do it.
You must do it for full victory, and nobody can do it for you. God is at work in you to will and to do His good pleasure. Receive His enabling grace.
blessed with His strength to embrace His work as good and perfect and in perfect timing.
Spiritman, give the Holy Spirit of Truth permission to clean out all the poison of woundedness that the soul has known for years and receive His ministry to do it.
Be courageous to seek the truth, to feel the pain, to lay the axe to all bitter roots for a thorough work at their deepest source, that they may be completely removed and not defile you and trouble many.
You have authority in Messiah to bind up and cast out all the enemy’s strongholds coming from your family relationships. Put the cross of Jesus and the empty tomb between you and the works and workers of darkness to get release from the familiar games they have played: anger, guilt, shame, blame, judgment, bitterness, non-feeling, control, uproar, victim-mentality, performance, secrets, compulsions, addictions, and so forth.
Spiritman, be strong to embrace life as God intends for you and not run away, withdraw, build walls, or be self-protecting any longer.
Drink deeply of the understanding that you are loved, cared for, significant, and the apple of your Father’s Eye. He delights in you. He is happy you are alive. You give Him joy.
Receive this reality and let your broken love-receiver be healed, as your brokenness is displaced by a higher truth of your place in Abba’s house.
From the Light of the Eyes of Abba Father, receive blessing in your inner being. Let it trickle down to soul, and heart, and emotions, and will, and identity, and legitimacy.
God will rebuild what has been desolate and oppressed. He will restore the years the locusts have eaten. Be blessed to continue to receive the ministry of Abba supernaturally in those places where the little boy/girl within still cries out for mothering or fathering. He ALWAYS finishes what He begins.
Spiritman, settle down at the Feet of EI Shaddai in full security, acceptance, and blessing.
He is always there for you. He invites you to connect deeply and intimately with Him.
Be blessed with new freedom from Him, unhindered and holy. Awake to life as the joyful son/ daughter of the King that He created you to be.
Be blessed as He satisfies the 
Birthright that He has placed within you.
Be blessed in the Name of EI Shaddai (Psalm 91:1)