In the Name of Jesus Christ, I confess and repent of all my bitter root judgments and bitter root expectancies toward my father, mother and myself and all other persons including those I remember and those I don’t remember. I especially repent of those bitter-root judgments formed against parts of myself. I cancel every one of them and destroy by the Finger of the Living GOD all curses and effects thereof. I bless all those judged with every blessing from the LORD, setting them free from all my judgments and condemnations in the Name of Messiah Jesus Christ.
I choose to honor my father and mother to the extent GOD’s Will permits — in every area of my life. I repent and cancel all inner vows that I have ever made contrary to the Will of my Heavenly FATHER.
I destroy the curses and effects thereof replacing them with that which blesses all involved.
I bring to the Cross for crucifixion all attitudes, habits, practices, and consequences coming from all of the above, reckoning them as dead on the Cross when Messiah died. I choose to hate all my sins enough to give them up through Messiah Who strengthens me.
I confess and repent of all wrongful judging coming from an impure heart involving blame, condemnation, anger, envy, jealousy, bitterness, and all wrongful motives.
I replace them with all the blessings that I can give in the Name of Jesus Christ. I especially forgive all wrongful judgments coming against myself.
I ask GOD to forgive me wherever I have sown wrongful thoughts, words, and actions and to spare me through Your Grace from reaping the effects of my judgments.
I forgive my father, mother, and myself and all others. I ask that the Holy Spirit bring anything of which I am not aware to my mind. I pray GOD’s Richest Blessing on all who have wronged me.
I cancel all parental inversion that has taken place in my life, and all bondage to performance orientation. I repent of and cancel all my sinful attitudes and practices not included in the above.
I replace them with the Love of GOD and His Holy Will for all and myself involved. Anything not included in the above that should be, I do now include in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Anything not prayed correctly, I ask the Holy Spirit to complete as necessary in the Name of Jesus Christ in whose Name all of this is done for the Honor and Glory of GOD.
I ask You Jesus Christ to come here now and take all the aspects of myself into Your Loving Arms.
I ask You to show me the lies that I have believed regarding any sins done to me or which I have chosen to commit.
I ask You, my Heavenly FATHER to replace these lies with truth, giving forgiveness, cleansing, healing, comfort, and full, complete, and permanent deliverance
from both the lies I have believed and any and all grounds given to satan or his demonic forces.
Fully redeem all the above failures and preserve me from repeating the same.
Thank You, Jesus,