Inner Healing and Deliverance
Healing Trauma
ELIJAH HOUSE 201 & 202
(Prophetic School of Inner Healing and Deliverance)
Hosted by “The Light Of The Comforter Ministry”
Facilitator; Rev. Annie Arakelian
AGE: 18
Before the idea of these Elijah House teachings came into play, I was praying and asking the Lord to do something in my life that would ignite the fire in me for Him and keep it lit. After months of prayer, these teachings came into the picture. My mom was going to do it and she asked if I wanted to join, so I said yes. Words cannot explain how much this class has changed my perspective on things and how much closer it has gotten me to God. It really taught me so many things that would never even cross my mind. I learned a lot about how we can hold things that happened long ago in our hearts and become hurt or live in bondage because we cannot forgive ourselves or the people that offended us. I really understood why or how unforgiveness could stop blessings or keep someone from growing in their spiritual life. I learned about how much impact a couple of words can have on a person and it was a major reminder to me that I should speak nice things to people to prevent them from being hurt because I never considered the power of what comes out of my mouth. This class taught me to acknowledge others pains or hurts and really not take it personally when someone says something or does something that could offend me but look at others with love and understanding. That was something that I was blinded by because I was selfish and ignorant. I only saw myself as the hurt one and totally disregarded others pains that were portrayed through their actions or words. Among the many other things that I learned, I also learned a lot about myself that I didn’t know. It was like a big reality check. Through these teachings, you really discover how badly you’ve been hurt and promises that you have made to yourself based on those hurts or judgements of others and yourself.
Other than discovering what you need to be healed from, at the end of every lesson, we would get into a small group and one person would be chosen to talk about an issue in their life, while the prayer minister leads, another becomes the intercessor, and someone would take the “interview” role and ask questions. I was the first chosen and was absolutely petrified because I didn’t like to talk about problems in my life or something that I was hurt by, I would rather keep it in. I eventually was able to share something that was very personal to me and I just felt a weight lifted off my shoulders and I was able to express my emotions which was something I hadn’t or couldn’t do for a long time. It’s truly a no judgement zone which made it a lot easier to share. During this time I learned to just forgive myself and others and just release them to the Lord. It really did feel much better to do that than to just keep it in.
During these two weeks, one of the nights I started crying while talking with my mom because I just couldn’t understand why God wouldn’t just speak to me. He answered me pretty quickly. The next day during the prayer part, I just felt like something happened to my left ear, I can’t explain it but I believe He opened my ear. Meanwhile I felt layers and layers of heat and I started sweating. Then I had this thought just pop into my head and I didn’t know if it was just me or God. Couple seconds later, the minister (Rev. Annie Arakelian) said that the Lord is speaking to someone. I couldn’t say what it was out loud because I was scared I would be wrong. With encouragement I found the courage to say it. It was the bible verse 1 Timothy 4:12. I had to ask for forgiveness from God because I was acting like I believe it but I never truly did. On the last day of the class we were in prayer and I was baptized with the Holy Spirit and received the gift of tongues. That was so exciting for me. I always wanted that.
One of the days after the teaching we were able to sit down and talk about anything that we have been hurt from. There was something on my mind that I really wanted to share but was waiting for the right time and I saw that moment so I did it. Now I could never have shared it but I feel like the Lord helped me to because I feel like it hindered my growth because I was never able to let it go and I would always want to talk about it but I didn’t. From someone who was not able to share for some reason I felt so comfortable sharing it with the minister (Rev. Annie Arakelian), who really helped me see the light in all of it and be set free from the past and look to the future.
I can’t begin to explain how much this whole experience has helped me. I have noticed so much change in myself. I respond differently to situations, I talk to people in different ways, I feel like there is more love in me, I feel much better than I was before this class. I see and notice things in myself or others that I was not able to before. I’m not saying everything is perfect but I got re-energized and am a work in process. It was such a joy taking this class, seriously a great experience for me.