Leadership Coaching


One week Retreat Program in Person

Three Months Program through Zoom

  • Certificate School and Courses

  • Counseling and Deliverance

  • Follow up phone sessions and Emails

  • 6 (Half hour) call sessions

  • Unlimited Email communications

Six Months Program through Zoom

  • Certificate School and Courses

  • Counseling and Deliverance

  • Follow up phone sessions and Emails

  • 12 Half hour call sessions

  • Unlimited Email communications


“The greatest of leaders understand what it means to become a follower again, and allow other people to speak into their lives.” –Eric Scalise

They are commissioned and entrusted as leaders to carry out God’s Mission (the Gospel of Christ, a ministry of reconciliation).  We represent God not ourselves.

What does character look like in action?

  • Faithfulness
  • Availability
  • Authenticity
  • Humility
  • Sacrificial
  • Unconditional love


Leaders Are Viewed As Dignified Individuals. (Titus 2:7)

1. Individuals of high character.

2. They have a strong sense of mission.

3. They operate in authority with humility.

4. They don’t abuse their authority.

5. They are “above reproach”.

6. They must be trustworthy.  1 Corinthians 4:2

7. They are extremely dependable.

8. They Are Wise.  Proverbs 15:2

9. They are obedient to the sovereign.

10.They understand the power of the tongue.

11. They are coalition builders.

A Leader Always Produces Followers.

1. Great leaders produce other great leaders.

2. Leaders understand that they are really “servants”.

Effective Leaders

1. Leaders need to understand the most effective context they work within based on their personalities.

2. Leaders must be able to interact with all the personalities on their staffs.

• To do this they must identify the different personality types on their staffs.

• They must share and describe their personality type and how they deal with relationships.

3. Leaders must build on staff strengths.

4. Leaders must be willing to evaluate and re-slot people where necessary.

5. Leaders must have Consistency and Accountability