Come, Holy Spirit, into ______’s greatest need. Manifest the healing power of Jesus.
 Show ______ You have not only forgiven his/her sins but are ready and have the power to heal his/her wounds. You are Jehovah-Rapha, the promise-keeping Healer. Let ______ receive Your tender and mercy in this time of need. In Your faithfulness, minister the healing grace and love.

We bring ______ under all the redeeming power of the blood of Jesus.
You are El Roi, God who sees these hurts, needs, and struggles. You have already made the Way of healing by the blood of Jesus. Heal all the woundings of childhood and more recently. Remove all the scars of rejection, shame, inferiority, guilt, fear, abuse, and __________ (ask God to reveal  others). Heal and remove all the barriers and hindrances in ______’s life that are keeping ______ from being all Jesus died to make them to be. We bring the life of______ to the cross. Apply all the work of redemption to ______’s life for the transforming life of Christ to become theirs. We pray that ______ will take everything to the cross, so that they can accept themselves as the new person in  Jesus that they are.

Spirit of truth, Your truth shall set ______ free.
Bring the truth of Jesus to counter the lies that ______ has believed and to dispel the darkness and  confusion caused by giving in to the lies. ______ needs a work of your Spirit, because no amount of talking or teaching about this need will be effective. Minister to ______ these precious truths,  that…

  • I am free from sin by my Savior.
  • I am free not to respond to the sins of others.
  • I am free not to be condemned by the sins of others.
  • I am free to express all my feelings to Father-God, without condemnation, secure in knowing that Jesus understands the feeling of my infirmities.
  • I am free to have Your truth as my truth, Your mind as my mind, Your freedom as        my freedom, Your grace as my grace, Your love as my love, Your strength as my strength, Your holiness as my holiness, Your steadfastness as my steadfastness, and    all the fullness of Jesus made real in my life.
  • I am free to receive all the new life Jesus gives me in exchange for my old life.

We thank You for heavenly Intercessors.
 Jesus is living in ______ interceding. God the Holy Spirit is agreeing with these prayers according to the will of the Father, and God of all comfort and Father of mercies is answering the prayers of His Son. Thank You for this three-fold cord of agreement that ______’s soul is being healed  according to all Your perfect love, grace, and peace.

Thank You for the healing presence of Jesus the Son, God the Father, and God the Spirit, who ministers comfort, restoration, hope, trust, and rest..
 so that ______ can live victoriously in the life of Jesus at all times. May ______ receive complete wholeness from You, as ______ practices Your presence each day and fixes their eyes on Jesus.
Thank You that You keep ______ in perfect peace as their mind is stayed on You, when they are confident in You (Isa. 26:3), that You have begun a good work and will perfect Your work for Your glory in their lives (Phil. 1:6).