Jesus said the harvest is plenty but the laborers are few so we should pray for Him to send out laborers(Matt. 9:37-38). With great joy, Light of the Comforter Ministries is answering His call to be sent out to spread His hope and healing to Armenia in August 2024.
Do you want to see the gospel message and revival spread in the nations? We invite you to partner with us by donating to Light of the Comforter Ministries so we can bring Christ’s truth and collect the harvest of souls in Armenia who are hungry to know Him more.
This mission trip will focus on equipping churches, youth, and leaders in Armenia with tools to help themselves be healed, strengthened, and encouraged while facing trauma, grief, loss, and uncertainty. Services will be held for the families, children and communities to receive salvation, revival fire, deliverance and healing.
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today to help the missions team be the hands and feet of Jesus, fulfilling the Great Commission to go out into the world to spread His kingdom.
Use the PayPal link below to make your tax-deductible donation today, or email Missions@LightOfTheComforter.org for more info.
Donate here: https://www.paypal.me/RevAnnieArakelian
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