Light Of the Comforter Wholeness Haven invites you to join the in-person Refreshing and Empowering #Retreat, being held in Orlando, Florida June 8-12, 2023!
Activities of the retreat will focus on renewing the body, strengthening the spirit, and healing/feeding the soul. Graduates of our Strategic Warfare school who attend the retreat will receive an in-person certificate but also go through “bootcamp” with commissioning/impartation prayers and hands-on training.
We are anticipating life-changing encounters with the Lord under an Open Heaven. This video gives highlights and testimonies from our 2022 retreat: https://youtu.be/wASULXAzbRQ
Testimonies can be summarized as:
-Incredible breakthroughs and healing were experienced during worship times because the tangible presence, glory, and love of God touched hearts and minds.
-There were many open heaven encounters where angels and Jesus Himself came to empower and fill all.
-Deliverance was experienced by many, freeing them from bondages.
-Impartation and activation of spiritual gifts and callings was experienced as the anointing of God poured out.
Other testimonies are written here: https://locwholenesshaven.com/health-and-wellness-coaching/
Register by emailing Retreat@LocWholenessHaven.com to convey your interest. Costs will be provided upon your response.