Leviticus 18:21
Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molek, for you must not profane the name of your God.
I am the Lord
- Understanding the Soul (Mind, Will, Emotions)
- Introductory Dynamic of DID/MPD (Dissociative Identity Disorder/Multiple Personality Disorder)
- Development of Multiple Personalities/alters
- Diagnostic Symptoms of DID
- Memory_ How reliable is it?
- SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse)
- Role of the Church
- Support Issues-Understanding Emotional pain
- Understanding and Restoring the Functions of the HEART and the MIND
- Understanding the brain and Chemicals in the brain
- Dissociation
- Trauma and DID
- Subconscious Mind
- Prayers for Healing and Deliverance
DID/MPD (Dissociative Identity Disorder/Multiple Personality Disorder)
SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse)
Definition of SRA_(Satanic Ritual Abuse)
Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) can be defined as psychological, sexual, spiritual, and/or physical assault forced on an unwilling human victim, and committed by one or more satanists according to a prescribed ritual. It often includes mind control, torture, and highly illegal and immoral activities such as murder, child pornography and prostitution. The primary aim of the rituals is to fulfill their need to worship Satan.
Definition of DID_Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly MPD)
This condition is defined as:
• The presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states (each with its own relatively enduring pattern of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and self).
• At least two of these identities or personality states recurrently take control of the individual’s behavior.
• Inability to recall important personal information that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness.
• The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., blackouts or chaotic behavior during Alcohol Intoxication) or a general medical condition (e.g., complex partial seizures).
Note: In Children, the symptoms are not attributable to imaginary playmates or other fantasy play.”
It is also common to have personality fragments which are defined as entities with a persistent sense of self and a characteristic and consistent pattern of behavior but with a limited (compared to a personality) range of function, emotion, or history.
DID usually presents itself in a variety of subtle ways. Few will be as obvious as the stereotypical Sybil with dramatic, abrupt switching from one personality state to another. Most multiples will initially be unaware of switches and will attribute their changes in perceiving, relating to and thinking about the environment and one’s self as just mood swings. Total amnesia among the presenting personalities is no longer viewed as part of the diagnostic criteria.
What is Dissociation?
The mental health field considers dissociation to be a disturbance or alteration in normal integrative functions of consciousness, memory, identity or perception of the environment. The disturbance may be sudden or gradual, transient or chronic. This describes a process whereby the mind separates one or more aspects of its function (knowing, feeling, tasting, hearing, seeing, etc.) away from the normal stream of consciousness.
Once the child successfully employs the dissociative defense, dissociation usually becomes the preferred defensive process and often will be used subsequently even when less extreme defense processes might suffice in threat containment.
The Nature of DID
A. DID does not involve any biological or biochemical abnormality of the brain. It is not a physical disorder.
B. DID occurs primarily within the non-material mind or soul of the person.
DID is the result of a marvelously creative defense mechanism that a young child used to cope with extremely overwhelming trauma. When there was no external way of escape, the child was able to escape within himself, erecting mental walls which served as a substitute for the physical haven he could not find.
C. Even though a lot of the symptomology of DID may seem very out-of- the-ordinary, a person with DID is not psychotic or mentally ill. God built marvelous ingenuity into the human mind in order to allow the most vulnerable part of His creation – the little children – to survive the worst kinds of evil that Satan would perpetrate through fallen man.
Types of Dissociation
1. Normal Dissociation
a. Occurs whenever an individual concentrates so intensely on an internal mental process that he loses touch with his external environment
1) Day-Dreaming
2) “Highway Hypnosis”
b. Can occur only when the activity being carried out by the body is so familiar that the brain had been programmed to carry it out automatically without the direction of the mind
c. The instant the brain encounters something that is out of the ordinary, it summons the attention of the mind, which brings the person back in touch with his physical surroundings.
d. Is minimally disruptive to normal functioning.
2. Pathological Dissociation
a. Dissociation lies on a continuum that progresses to conditions that become increasingly more complex and disruptive to normal functioning.
b. Dissociative Identity Disorder is the most extreme form of dissociation, resulting in the splitting of the soul.
Trauma Induced Dissociations
The degree of dissociation in response to trauma seems to depend on at least two factors:
*The severity of the abuse
*The creativity of the person
When abuse is great and the person very creative, then the walls between the various sub-selves and the host are very high and thick.
When does it develop?
a) DID occurs when certain children experience repeated, overwhelming trauma which begins before the age of 7
b) However, once the individual has begun to use this extreme form of dissociation as a coping strategy at this early age, he will be able to continue splitting off new personalities at any subsequent age.
How it occurs?
a) When a small child experiences an event that is so traumatic and carries seemingly unbearable implications, he desperately wants to escape conscious awareness of the event, but he cannot use normal dissociation because his brain has no automatic programming in place to handle what is occurring in his external environment.
b) Therefore, at that intolerable and inescapable moment of time God allows him to use an extreme form of dissociation, dividing his consciousness in a way that essentially creates two selves so only part of him has to endure the trauma of the external environment while his Core Self is shut off from all awareness of the event.
c) An enduring amnesiac barrier is put in place to keep these two selves separate from awareness of each other.
d) When trauma occurs again, the Core Self can once again escape by:
(1) Sending the previously created part out to handle the environment
(2) Creating another split in consciousness, or another new self, to handle the trauma.
e) Over time these divided “segments of consciousness” develop into separate identities able to operate independently within the person as divided portions of the soul.