Light Of the Comforter Wholeness Haven invites you to join the in-person Refreshing and Empowering #Retreat, being held in Orlando, Florida June 8-12, 2023!
Activities of the retreat will focus on renewing the body, strengthening the spirit, and healing/feeding the soul. Graduates of our Strategic Warfare school who attend the retreat will receive an in-person certificate but also go through “bootcamp” with commissioning/impartation prayers and hands-on training.
We are anticipating life-changing encounters with the Lord under an Open Heaven. This video gives highlights and testimonies from our 2022 retreat:
Testimonies can be summarized as:
-Incredible breakthroughs and healing were experienced during worship times because the tangible presence, glory, and love of God touched hearts and minds.
-There were many open heaven encounters where angels and Jesus Himself came to empower and fill all.
-Deliverance was experienced by many, freeing them from bondages.
-Impartation and activation of spiritual gifts and callings was experienced as the anointing of God poured out.
Register by emailing to convey your interest. Costs will be provided upon your response.
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