Father, I ask you to come into the darkness that is _________’s life right now. All his/her energies, spiritual, emotional, and physical, are used up. Lord,_________ has called out to You and heard no answer. Nothing changed. So now, everything has come to a standstill; there is no more will to try. There is no hope, no point to life.
I ask You, Lord, to come and rekindle the pilot light of _________’s spirit. Little by little, and at a pace he/she can bear, increase Your light and energize his/her spirit.
Jesus, come and let the warmth of Your presence flow from the center of his/her being outward. He/She may not feel any immediate difference – that’s okay. I know, Lord, in time, the good feelings will come.
Father, I ask that You bless __________’s sleep so that rest reaches deep into the exhaustion of his/her bones. Begin the renewal process. Lord, I ask You in faith and confidence to do this for ___________.