Psalm 107:20
He sent out His Word and Healed them, and Delivered them from their destruction
To provide Scriptural foundation for Sanctification and Transformation To provide a safe setting for building relationships, learning, and practicing prayer ministry in small groups to offer students the opportunity to experience personal healing through small group ministry from their peers to teach, model, and provide opportunity to practice ministry to one another according to the Word of God and in the power and sensitivity of Christ through the Holy Spirit
Upon completion of all required course work and attendance, Certificationfor “Prayer Ministry” will be awarded from “Elijah House” School based on facilitator’s approval of each student.
The school fee for each course;
$300 for 201 $350 for 202
It includes _ registration, study book, 24 video teaching and certification
For more Details Email us at:
The Training is made up of 23 video teaching lectures, small group sessions along with daily reading and homework assignments.
Each day there will be two lessons and a one-hour small group session. Lessons and small group participation are required. The small group time is an integral part of the educational process and should be entered into with a spirit of cooperation. This is a time to practice and apply the principles learned.
To instruct and equip those called in the body of Christ, whether on a lay or professional level, to pray and minister to others with the result of inner healing.
To develop fundamental skills of ministry the ability to operate under the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit and a thorough understanding of biblical principles and their application in relation to counseling.
To provide a discipleship model for ministry, in which students learn first by observation, then In group prayer, and finally by doing it themselves.
Course 201 Lesson Briefs
Biblical Basis of Elijah House Ministry
True healing isn’t fixing something that is broken so it’s good enough to work; it’s being freed from its power so it can no longer rule us. God’s laws and principles affect sanctification and transformation in our lives. The cross of Christ and His shed blood are the means to stop the sinful habits that plague our daily lives.
Bitter Judgments and Expectancies
Judgments are not only conscious actions, but also lodged in our heart, repressed and unexpressed.
Once formed, judgments reap negative results. Bitter roots defile, and may be the most powerful negative force in our lives, bringing destruction to ourselves and those around us. Only through repentance at the cross can they be removed.
Ministry Tools: The Simplest Tools, Following the Holy Spirit, Interviewing
There is no formula for how to do prayer ministry! One size does not fit all. Students will learn ministry skills, but more importantly how to read the heart, and then combine ministry skills and heart messages into the one-of-a-kind approach each person deserves.
Inner Vows
When we hurt, we often vow to do something to keep ourselves from ever being hurt again. But since inner vows spring from bitterness,they don’t protect us at all. Instead, they lock us into behaviors we don’t want. Renouncing inner vows at the cross sets us free.
Heart and Mind(Guarding the Wellspring of Life)
What is the difference between living from the head and living from the heart? And what is the heart anyway? Why do some people soak up love, while others are unable to accept or even feel love? A new understanding of heart and mind will change the way we see prayer ministry.
Foundational Lies In reaction to hurt, we often form lies about God, the world, others, and ourselves. God created each one of us with our own “song.” Foundational lies silence that song. This lesson explores foundational lies—what they are, how they affect us, and how to get free from them.
Bitter Fruits
Bitter fruits are the negative present-day patterns of behavior that spring from bitter roots. Before we look for bitter roots, we must learn why it’s important to fully understand bitter fruits.
Accomplishing Forgiveness
Until forgiveness is affected in the heart, the law of sowing and reaping must roll on to its inevitable
conclusion. Forgiveness is central to being made whole. This lesson makes the necessity of forgiveness clear, and how to accomplish it.
Repentance and Restitution
True repentance requires not only confession of wrongdoing, but understanding how sin hurts others and God, and willingness to make restitution that heals the hearts of those we have Wounded.
Rightly Expressing Emotions
We are often taught to believe that certain emotions are wrong. We repress, hide, or deny them, instead of accepting them as God-given messengers. This lesson reveals how to bring emotions into the light, process and truly resolve them.
Honoring Father and Mother—Resurrection Side of Healing
Honoring father and mother involves more than forgiving them. We need to see not only the bad they have done to us, but who God designed them to be, and learn to maximize that without minimizing our own pain. This will cultivate in us a heart that can honor others in all of our relationships.
Unmet Needs
When basic human needs go unmet, we may believe lies about and form bitter roots toward ourselves and others. This lesson deals with identifying needs, the results of believing the lies, and finally, the healing that leads to wholeness.
Shame causes us to build walls of protection around our heart, and hide from God and others. This lesson explores how shame affects our lives, families, churches, generations and culture, and how to find its root causes so that we may effectively minister and bring healing.
Praying to Release Trauma
Trauma comes in many forms: physical, loss, betrayal, etc. This lesson defines trauma, explains why some people are more susceptible to it, and reveals how to pray to release it.
This lesson explores the character and experience of persons whose temperament causes them to attune themselves to others and pick up unwanted burdens, and how wounding occurs when this is done in the flesh.It also explains how to bring healing so that burden bearers are lifted up, not weighed down, as they carry to the cross in prayer only those burdens which only God places on our Shoulders.
Deliverance and Inner Healing
This lesson shows how demons take advantage of root issues, and how dealing with roots lays the
groundwork for casting away demons. It also lays out principles for effective and lovingly administered deliverance.
Performance Orientation
Our mind and spirit may know the free gift of salvation, while our heart retains its habit of earning
love by performance. There is a way to escape that trap.
Parental Inversion
Some of us grow up taking care of our parents, rather than vice-versa. This can cause all sorts of bad fruit in our adult lives. This lesson discusses how to heal the effects of taking on a role that was never our own.
Reconciling with God (Healing Spiritual Rebellion)
Do you accept the life God has given you—your face and body, talents, family, country, etc.? Discover the fruit of spiritual rebellion, and how to turn and embrace life.
How We See God
If our hearts are pure, we are able to comprehend the glorious nature of God, and relate to Him in blessed intimacy. But judgments toward parents and others can color our perceptions of Him.
Repenting of these judgments enables us to see God as He is.
Common Errors in Prayer Ministry
This lesson describes some of the many mistakes prayer ministers make, and how to avoid them.
Sealing Our Healing
Prayer and healing are not “magic,” nor can they be substitutes for the work of discipleship to which He calls us. This lesson illustrates numerous disciplines by which we can maintain our healing and strengthen new and healthy patterns to replace the old.
Who are you at odds with? What have you done to reconcile? The very goal of inner healing is reconciliation with God and others. This lesson explores the good guy/bad guy roles we so often assign, and how to use our healing to free others from these.
Course 202 Lesson Briefs
Restoring Childhood Foundations
Beginning with basic trust, we must build each stage of our life on the one that went before. A poor foundation, in any stage of childhood, can negatively affect us throughout our adult lives, impacting our ability to relate to one another and, ultimately, the Lord. Through inner healing, we can rebuild each part of our foundations.
Prenatal & Childhood Issues, Part One
This lesson presents both the scriptural base and modern research supporting the idea that what happens in the womb can affect us throughout life. Inner healing can repair the harm that has been with us from the beginning of our days.
Prenatal & Childhood Issues, Part Two
This lesson explores the conditions, symptoms and healing of several common in-uteroexperiences,
how they affect us in later life, and how to bring healing.
Identifications of Love
When we do not receive enough love, sometimes we latch on to the few “packages” love comes in
instead of remaining open to love in all its forms. Formed in childhood, these packages are idols which define and limit our idea of what true love is, and deny us the full joy of giving and receiving it. Inner healing can open our hearts to love in it many forms.
Central to our healing is willingness to be known by ourselves and others. God calls us to “walk as children of light” (For the fruit of the light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth, Ephesians 5:9, NIV). When we live in denial, we walk in darkness and untruth, and cannot fully receive God’s healing power.
Profile of the Abuser
This lesson brings insight and understanding through a typical life history and character of a sexual abuser, and teaches how to extend God’s healing love and grace while holding abusers accountable for their actions.
Healing the Sexually Abused
The sexually abused often live with a barrage of emotions that keep them in bondage to the wounds
of the molestation. This lesson explores the aftermath in the adult life of a child who was molested, and shows that through inner healing, any wound, no matter how deep, can be healed.
Emotional Abuse
Arbitrary, inconsistent, or abusive parental discipline can damage the emotional well-being and security of a child, and destroy the natural sense of justice that God imparts to our being. This lesson explores healthy and appropriate forms of discipline necessary to raising children, and explains how the effects of bad discipline can be healed.
Spiritual Slumber
Spiritual slumber is a condition in which a person is unable to attune himself to God and others, access creativity and inspiration, maintain emotional perspective, thrive in the midst of illness, and live from a working conscience. To avoid pain, some people make inner vows that shut off these abilities. This lesson explains the symptoms of spiritual slumber, and how to reawaken the spirit through inner healing.
Spiritual Captivity
Unlike one who spiritually slumbers, a person in spiritual captivity is still able to sense the life around him, but because of inner vows that distance him from life, he feels as if a wall separates him from direct participation. In this lesson, we explore the symptoms, and how to bring a person out of captivity.
Generational Sin
Scripture testifies that the effects of sin can pass from one generation to the next. In this lesson, we look at ways we are defiled through generational sin. Through prayer, we can help free families from
generational patterns of destruction.
Healing the effects of the Occult
Occult involvement causes much destruction, especially generational. Examine with us the many effects of occult involvement, as well as how to pray for healing and hiding in God.
Sexual Addictions
Those who minister to persons with sexual addictions know how prevalent it is, even in the church.
This lesson brings insight and understanding about how inner healing can remove the roots of this
devastating problem.
Some Christians do not understand how incapacitating depression can be. In this lesson, we learn what depression is and how to bring healing to a depressive in a way that does not strain his
depleted emotional resources.
Fractured Heart And Relationships
A heart that is whole is able to fulfill its destiny. Inordinate bonding, over-dependency and inappropriate touches have the capacity to fracture identity and hinder us from reaching our destiny. In this lesson we will learn to identify a fractured identity and its fruit, how it became fractured, and the steps necessary to bring healing and wholeness.
Unresolved Grief
Any type of major loss invokes intense emotional suffering called “grief.” This lesson discusses the stages of grief and those most susceptible to suppressing grief. And it explains why people suffer from delayed or prolonged grief, and how they can be freed from that through inner healing.
Though the Bible clearly defines homosexual behavior as sin, as ministers of the Gospel we must learn to respond and stand lovingly in truth. This lesson outlines the contributing factors and
consequences of homosexuality, yet gives hope and healing through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Spiritual Adultery
When allowed to continue, spiritual adultery inevitably leads to physical adultery. This lesson outlines how this happens and how to bring healing. It also gives guidelines about what to do when spiritual adultery occurs in the prayer ministry relationship.
Sources of Sexual Issues
In this lesson, we discuss experiences in childhood and adolescence that can affect our sexuality, including potty training, genital play, pornography, and masturbation. Mishandled by parents, common sexual experiences can often lead to shame in adulthood. Healing of adult sexual sin will often necessitate recognition and healing of these earlier roots.
This lesson discusses the physical, emotional and spiritual conditions associated with burnout. We’ll explore its causes and possible prevention, and specify what is needed to help bring healing.
Making Healing Relationships Safe
If not handled rightly, closeness and intimacy between people in ministry situations may give rise to
inappropriate attachments, dependencies, or confusion from transference in relationships, which can lead to spiritual adultery. This lesson offers insights and help for prayer ministers in dealing with these situations and their aftermath.

About Elijah House Ministries
“See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers…” Malachi 4:56
Elijah House was founded in 1974 by John and Paula Sandford with the mandate to restore the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers (Malachi 4:5-6). This is accomplished by equipping the saints with biblical tools for discerning root issues founded upon universal laws in the Word of God to allow true healing. Honor your father and mother… that your days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with you (Deuteronomy 5:16)
Do not judge, lest you be judged (Matthew 7:12).
Whatever a man sows, this he will also reap (Galatians 6:78).
For in that you judge another, you condemn yourself (Romans 2:1)
The Elijah House Prayer Ministry
A key principle of prayer ministry at Elijah House will always include looking for the root causes that lie beneath the surface of many problems. Bitter roots, as we call them, are root issues that continue to feed our attitudes and mindset that lead to broken relationships, habitual sin, and other kinds of “bad fruits.” Once roots are discovered, the prayer minister leads the seeker in repentance, in forgiving those who wounded him/her, as well as to receive forgiveness for the sinful reactions (judging, condemning, criticizing..)
In prayer, we apply the cross and resurrection life of Jesus to each area of the heart as it becomes ripe. (Ripeness is fully hating our sin and being ready to die to it). Each sinful practice of the old nature is actually an area in which the heart has not fully believed and appropriated the Good News. Through God’s love, we help to establish and restore one’s true identity in Christ, rather than promote a strong self-image. Without this process, we struggle to build our own self-image of the flesh.
There are two sides to the healing process:
*Bring to death (Sanctification)
*Bring to life (Transformation)
The Sandfords explains that “Transformation is that process of death and rebirth whereby what was our weakness becomes our strength. Sanctification overcomes the power of canceled sin, but TRANSFORMATION TURNS THE MESS TO GLORY”.
Elijah House teaches that “the blood of Jesus washes away sins, the cross redeems, justifies, and atones, while His resurrection restores and gives new life. But it is our personal daily taking up of our own cross that continues the necessary dying of our old man.
Thus we need ask ourselves the questions, Am I merely saved, or am I becoming more like Jesus every day? Is transformation happening day by day? Why do we need to be healed?
Although Christ has fully accomplished our death on the cross, our carnal nature refuses to stay dead it springs back to life: Hebrews 12:15 “See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble, and by it many be defiled…” (NAS).
Many Christians have rightly celebrated salvation as a free gift but have not understood that they are to grow up in it. They have celebrated with Paul that by one offering He has perfected for all time those who are [being] sanctified (Hebrews 10:14) without understanding sanctification as a process and without acknowledging with Paul, “Not that I have already obtained it, or have already become perfect, but I press on in order that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:12).
As Christians, we tend to press on in terms of managing behavior rather than renewing our mind and receiving a new heart, which naturally changes behavior. Many have tried to forget “what lies behind” (Philippians 3:13) by ignoring the past rather than by letting the Holy Spirit search the innermost parts of the heart in order to allow Jesus to deal specifically with deeply ingrained attitudes.
They have attempted to put aside the old self with its practices of anger, wrath, malice and slander, as if these were present, external expressions only, whereas Jesus called the Pharisees (and us) to “clean the INSIDE of the cup” (Matthew 23:36).
Mission of Elijah House
Elijah House is a non profit organization, founded by John and Paula Sandford, who are committed to the principles of Malachi 4:5,6 and Matthew 17:11: to call God’s people to “restore the hearts of fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers” and to “restore all things.”
Elijah House serves to inspire and educate individuals and churches to confess their sins, forgive one another, and equip one another for ministry. We are called to be instruments of writing, teaching, prayer counseling ministry, and healing, “…to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God, and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12). Simply stated, Elijah House has one goal: to unite people with Jesus so all may experience the transforming power of His death and resurrection.
Vision and Purpose for Elijah House Schools
The Elijah House School for Prayer Ministry (formerly called “Elijah House Training for the Ministry of Prayer Counseling”) was created from the ministry of John and Paula Sandford. In prayerfully planned instructional and ministry settings, we impart “Keys of Knowledge,” opening the heart to receive truth, renewing the mind, resulting in life transformation through Christ.
Led by the Holy Spirit, we are co-workers with Christ, working to “restore” broken and hurting hearts and reconcile relationships. In keeping with the Elijah House mission, our vision for the school is to equip,
encourage, and release “Ambassadors for Christ” (II Corinthians 5:18-20), who will pick up His mantle and continue His mission of restoration and healing.
Who Should Attend the School?
If you are a Christian leader or layman seeking to experience and minister healing from life’s hurts, and desire to begin to restore healthy relationships with God and others, this school is for you.
What Can I Expect From This Course?
This school will help you discover scriptural answers to many searching questions we all have about life, God, and ourselves. Have you ever wondered why you think, feel, speak and act the way you do? Have you ever wondered why things happen in your lives and relationships the way they do, and why God allows certain things to happen? Jesus desires to bring you into wholeness through true change and breakthrough at the heart level. He wants to equip you with greater vision and hope for the future… to take you into a deeper, more exciting and fulfilling love relationship with Him, and to prepare, empower, and release you into a new anointing to help others.
Each day you will gain understanding, be given principles of healing, and begin the healing process.
Because we are dealing with the hearts of people, the school can, at times, be very intense. Personal
responses to teaching and small group interaction may include, but is certainly not limited to, some of the following: expression of anger, prejudices and resentments; apprehension, anxiety, insomnia, depression, dissociation, etc. Because of time restraints and that your group is learning together, all of your personal life issues will not be dealt with during the course of the school;but some healing will happen. This is a lifelong process. We simply give you the tools to further your healing, restore your relationships, and minister to others. Many seek further ministry once the school is complete.
If you feel there are already significant life issues that need to be addressed, prayer ministry or counseling prior to your enrollment in the school is advisable and always beneficial.
General School Requirements
- General Admission Policy
*Acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior at least one year prior to enrollment.
*Must be a member of a Christian church in good standing, participating in regular worship and church ministry opportunities.
*Must submit an application with recommendations from one character reference and pastoral leadership (application and reference forms may be obtained from the school facilitator).
*The facilitator will provide dates, times and costs of the upcoming school.
*Attendance is required for all lectures and small group sessions.
*Small group participation is an essential part of the educational process. Groups consist of students within the school. This is a time to practice and apply principles being taught to areas in which the Lord is revealing a need for healing in your own life. For confidentiality, we try to provide separate groups for people coming from the same church. We also place couples in separate groups. We ask that prayer concerns be confidential within each group.
*Homework: Teachers or facilitators may assign written homework at the end of the lessons.
*Reading: In order for you to fully comprehend the material taught, we require the following
books. They may be part of the homework in the facilitated schools.
Transforming the Inner Man (201&202)
God’s Power to Change (201&202)
Growing Pains (201&202)
Letting Go of Your Past (201&202)
Deliverance and Inner Healing (201&202)
Restoring the Christian Family (201&202)
Choosing Forgiveness (optional)
Healing Victims of Sexual Abuse (202)
The Elijah Task (optional)
Why Good People Mess Up (202)
Waking the Slumbering Spirit (optional)
Life Transformed (optional)
Healing Women’s Emotions (optional)