Do you want to understand your role and rank as a warrior in the army of God? This school will teach about the different mantles, anointings, and roles God gives for spiritual warfare. After learning from the examples in the Bible of mighty men and women who were used by the Lord in battle, you will be able to identify and be activated in your role.
Your intercession will be brought onto a whole new level as you learn about the tools and weapons that can be used to bring the perfect will of God to Earth. You will see greater breakthroughs as you incorporate the strategies of possessing the regions that can be held captive.
Course Content: On the bottom half of this page, the course content is listed.
- Attending all sessions (1 permitted miss)
- Participation in any exercises during the session
- Doing the assigned weekly exercises
- Keeping school policy
School Fee: $500
Dates: upcoming school dates TBD
Meeting Times: upcoming school times TBD
Place of meeting: On Zoom
How to sign up:
- Complete the online enrollment form by clicking the “Registration link” button below. You will be contacted through email once your response have been reviewed and you’ve been granted admission.
- Once you have been approved for the school, payment method options and instructions will be provided.
Questions: All questions about the school can be sent to academy@locwholenesshaven.com .

Click on each Lesson for details
- Authority
- Authorities God has established
- Delegated authority from Christ
- Spheres of Jurisdiction
- Authority in the area where you live
- International authority
- What determines my authority level in the body of Christ?
- Why did Jesus delegate authority to His followers?
- Reasons your authority might be compromised
- Power
- Created to reign and rule
- Anointing
- What is The Anointing?
- What is the purpose of The Anointing?
- How does anointing come and increase?
- Qualifications for anointing
- Description of an anointed person
- Different types of ministerial Anointings
- Strategies for releasing The Anointing
- Moving in the Anointing
- The Use of Anointing Oil
- Mantles
- Different Biblical Mantles
- Examples: Elijah, Solomon, Esther, Moses, David, etc.
- Different Biblical Mantles

- What is Intercession?
- Prophetic intercession
- Origin of intercession and praise
- How to Develop a Heart for Intercession
- Daniel
- Nehemiah
- Characteristics of Prophetic Intercessors
- Filled with the Holy Spirit
- Receiving Revelation
- Hearing His Voice
- Seeing through His Perspective
- Understanding through the Heart
- Discernment
- Understanding the Word of God
- Compassion
- Walking under the anointing
- Zeal
- Pursuing holiness
- Showing fruits of the spirit
- Intimacy with God
- Types of Intercessors and their Strengths and Weaknesses
- The lion
- The oxen
- The eagle
- The man (aka travailing intercessor)
- What is Travailing in Prayer?
- Travail & Intercession vs the spirit of grief

- Places of Petition: Courts of Heaven
- The Court of Mediation (Reconciliation)
- Court of Petition
- The Throne of Grace
- The Court of Mount Zion
- The Court of the Accuser
- Court of the Ancient of Days (Supreme Court)
- Pitfalls of Intercessors
- Wounded soldiers interceding
- Indifference
- Jezebel spirit
- Acting in presumption
- Not using restraint
- Interceding for the wrong things
- Lack of unity
- The error of reviling
- A false sense of power
- Sharing God’s or others’ secrets
- Musician’s pride
- Burden-Bearing
- What is Burden-Bearing
- Learn to Discern the Burden of the Lord
- The function and position of the burden-bearing child in the family
- False burden-bearing

- The Watchman
- What is a watchman?
- Functions of a watchman
- Characteristics of a watchman
- How to watch and pray
- Prayer watches
- What are they?
- What is their purpose?
- The 8 watches
- The Gates of Captivity
- What are the gates?
- Trauma
- Covenant chamber
- Sin
- Pain
- Scriptural study of captive places
- The darkness
- The shadow of death
- Dark places
- Desolate places
- The pit (gloom, abyss, muddy pit, despair, destruction)
- Corruption and iniquity
- The snare
- The abyss and the depths
- Sheol and death
- Abaddon
- Land of forgetfullness
- Who are the gatekeepers/guardians?
- How can you enter the gate?
- Holiness
- Intercession
- Keys
- Abrahamic intercession
- Demonic gates
- How do we take the battle to the gates?
- General Prayer Strategies
- Setting Captive spirit fragments free from specific gates of captivity in one-on-one ministry
- What are the gates?

- Fasting
- Benefits of fasting
- Spiritual mapping
- How to map
- Important questions to ask
- Considering historical background
- Banners
- Banners in scripture
- Raising the banner
- Roles and Rankings in the Army
- Satan’s structure
- God’s structure
- Army roles
- Worship and Musical Intercession
- What is worship?
- Purpose of Worship
- To break the fear of man
- To dwell in the secret place
- To receive revelation
- To exalt and enthrone the King
- To refocus our lives
- To build confidence for being obedient
- To do warfare
- Warfare Worship Tools
- Praise
- Songs of Deliverance,
- Victory Song
- Trumpet Sounds
- Shophars
- Cultivating the Heart of a Worshipper
- Have reverence for God
- Surrender your life to God
- Pray
- God’s Weapons
- Lightning and fire
- The healing river and river of fire

- Deborah
- What is the Deborah Anointing?
- Deborah’s Origin
- Characteristics and Strengths of Modern-Day Deborahs
- The Process of Becoming a Deborah
- Esther
- What is the Esther Anointing?
- Esther’s Origin
- Characteristics and Strengths of Modern-Day Esthers
- The Process of Becoming an Esther
- Anna
- What is the Anna Anointing?
- Anna’s Origin
- Characteristics and Strengths of Modern-Day Annas
- The Process of Becoming an Anna

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