Host: Light of the Comforter Ministries
Counselor/Mentor: Rev. Annie Arakelian
Overall school description: This course will equip you with essential tools and skills needed to minister effectively. Though the basics of prayer ministry and care for souls will be discussed, we will go beyond to learn about the calling and purpose of the minister, spiritual gifts/talents, and inner healing and deliverance.
Two-fold purpose of the school:
- Growing awareness for common errors in ministry and education about solutions.
- Encouraging confidence during ministry through the strengthening of weak skills.
Course Content: On the bottom half of this page, the course content is listed.
Certification: A certificate will be awarded upon completion of the course.
Graduation Requirement:
- Attendance
- Submitting homework with each lesson
- Keeping school policy
Cost: $200 suggested donation.
Location: Online, through Zoom.
Dates: October 3, 17, and Nov 7 (TBD 4th date if needed)
Meeting time: 12:30-3:30pmEST
How to sign up:
- Complete the online enrollment form by clicking the “Registration link” button below. You will be contacted through email once your response have been reviewed and you’ve been granted admission.
- Once you have been approved for the school, payment method options and instructions will be provided.
Questions: All questions about the school can be sent to schools@lightofthecomforter.org
Course Outline
Ministry Basics: Love
Three Primary Relationships
- The People We Serve
- Our Fellow Servants
- The Lord, Our Master
- The Goal of a Good Talk
- Elements of a Good Talk
- Testimony Guidelines
- Ministry while Teaching
Issues Rooted in the Past
Nine Steps and Keys
- Issues, Wounds and Scars
- Strongholds
- Ministering the Three Keys
- Inner Vows
- Ungodly Beliefs
- Healing of Memories
- Curses and Generational Sin
- Deliverance from Oppression
- Deliverance from Possession
The Keys to Freedom
A Model Session
A Lost Art
Ears to Hear Him
Stop, Look and Listen
Caring for Souls
Giving Comfort
Guarding Confidence
Genuine Courtesy
The Lowest Place
Growing Your Heart
Going the Distance
Two Motivations
- Passion
- Compassion
A Good Example
Values surrounding Ministry
Guidelines during Ministry
Double Duties, Double Delights
Called with a Purpose
Internal Instruction
Nine Lessons
Tests and Trials
The Secret of Success
The Sources of Success
The keys to Success
Dying to Self
The Lord’s Timing for Ministry
Discerning The Source of Trials
Intimacy with the Lord
The Lord’s Networking