Everyone has a purpose and a calling to expand the Kingdom of God, though they will all do it differently. This school is about discovering the supernatural ways God operates and how we are invited to operate in partnership with Him. After learning how to be empowered by His Holy Spirit, you will be taught how your unique gifts, purpose, and calling is tied to the role God has set aside for you to fill in the body of Christ.
You will be in a safe environment to discover, practice, and strengthen your gifts, while learning how to overcome their weaknesses. Teaching on the impact of inner healing wounds on gifts will help you work through hindrances and make progress in their activation/development. As you dedicate your gifts and talents to the Lord, you will walk in them in more powerful ways which glorify Him alone
Course Content: On the bottom half of this page, the course content is listed.
Structure: The time will be spent teaching. During our virtual live schools, we have practical exercises in small group settings as well as impartation and activation prayers by Rev. Annie. After completing this course, you will be granted access to our ministry support groups including (Leadership, Impartation/Activation and Setting Captives Free groups), where you will have opportunities to practice and develop your gifts and receive Impartation of new spiritual weapons, mantle and much more.
Course Completion Requirements: A certificate of completion for the School of Spiritual Gifts and Holy Spirit will be awarded if the following criteria is met:
- Attending all sessions (1 permitted miss)
- Participation in any exercises during the session
- Doing the assigned weekly exercises
- Keeping school policy
School Fee: $750 USD
Dates: March 8, March 22, April 12, April 26, May 10, May 24, May 31
Meeting Times: 11am-2pmEST
Place of meeting: On Zoom
How to sign up:
- Complete the online enrollment form by clicking the “Registration link” button below. You will be contacted through email once your response have been reviewed and you’ve been granted admission.
- Once you have been approved for the school, payment method options and instructions will be provided.
Questions: All questions about the school can be sent to .
Click on each Lesson for details
- What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit?
- Why do we need the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?
- How to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
- What is the Gift of Speaking in Tongues?
- Why do we need the Gift of Tongues
- Public Ministry
- Private Ministry
- Blockages to Speaking in Tongues
- The Gift of Interpretation of Tongues
- Interpreting Tongues in Our Private Prayer Life
- Interpreting Tongues In Public Ministry
- Who is The Holy Spirit?
- Hearing God’s Voice
- Ways God Speaks
- Dreams
- Visions
- Internally
- Discernment
- Etc.
- How to hear from God
- Why God may not speak
- How to know God’s will
- Difference between Talents, Fruits of the Spirit, and Spiritual Gifts
- The Fruits of the Holy Spirit
- Discovering your Identity and Calling
- Spiritual Gifts
- Why do we receive spiritual gifts?
- Discovering your dominant gift
- How to receive gifts
- Hindrances to receiving gifts
- Consecrating your gifts
- The Nine Gifts of Power
- Revelatory Gifts
- The word of knowledge
- The word of wisdom
- Testing words of wisdom
- Discerning of spirits
- The difference between a person with a discerning spirit vs the gift of discerning of spirits
- Inspirational Gifts
- Prophecy
- Tongues
- Gift of interpretation of tongues
- Power Gifts
- Faith
- Healings
- Miracles
- Satan’s Counterfeit Gifts
- Characteristics of a Five-Fold Minister
- The Purpose of the Five-Fold Ministry
- Training/equipping the church
- Impartation and activation
- Encouraging the church
- Maturing the church
- Where do you find the five-fold operating?
- Training/equipping the church
- Five-Fold Ministry Roles
- Discussing the purpose, characteristics, qualifications, and differences for each of these roles:
- The office of an apostle
- The office of a prophet
- The office of an evangelist
- The office of a pastor
- The office of a teacher
- Discussing the purpose, characteristics, qualifications, and differences for each of these roles:
- How the different roles work together
- Potential Conflicts
- Warning: Stay with your assignment!
- The Purpose of the Gifts
- Summary of the Seven Motivational/Redemptive Gifts
- Summary/characteristics of the Gifts
- The Prophet
- The Server
- The Teacher
- The Exhorter
- The Giver
- The Leader/Administrator
- The Mercy Gift
- Purpose of the Gifts
- Weaknesses of the Gifts
- Spiritual attacks against of the Gifts
- The Gifts as the Body of Christ
- The Gifts as the Armor of God
- Summary/characteristics of the Gifts
- Hindrances to Moving in the Redemptive Gifts
- Living as Sons and Daughters of God
- God’s Parenting Style
- How to Flow in your Anointing and Calling
- Prayers of Repentance and Re-dedication for each of the gifts
- Potential Sources of Personal Provision
- What to Keep In Mind for Inviting Traveling Ministers